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State-of-the-Art Electronic Tourniquet System

with Advanced Personalization Safety Features

Delfi's surgical line of tourniquet instruments and cuffs are designed for safety, performance and ease of use. Today, our patented, proven and innovative technologies are used worldwide in over 20,000 surgical cases each day.

The PTS system's compact design and configuration options make it the ideal solution for use in operating rooms and by medics on the move. Delfi's complimentary lines of PTS Tourniquet Cuffs are designed to provide the perfect fit for every patient, helping surgeons and operating-room nurses deliver personalized safe and effective care for their patients.


PTSii Personalized Tourniquet Systems

Bringing Safety, Performance and Personalization in a Compact Solution!

Delfi’s state-of-the-art  PTSii electronic tourniquet systems have advanced personalization safety features and save valuable space in modern surgical settings.

Available in both single and twin system configurations, fully independent twin channels are color-coded for optimal safety during simultaneous bilateral limb surgeries and IVRA (Bier Block) procedures.

The PTSii Personalized Tourniquet System is used with Delfi’s unique line of personalized tourniquet cuffs for pediatric to bariatric patients, and is compatible with most standard single port tourniquet cuffs.


Maximum normal pressure limits of 400mmHg, adjustable in 5mmHg increments.

0-240 minutes, adjustable in 5 minute increments.

Maximum normal pressure limits of 400mmHg, adjustable in 5mmHg increments.

Modify default settings and perform leak testing.

Pressure Adjustment

Rapid pressure adjustment to minimize pressure gradients and blood pressure responses

Pressure Reduction

Reduce pressure in one mmHg increments. The display will show the new target percentage of LOP.

Pressure Increase

Increase pressure in one mmHg increments. The display will show the new target percentage of LOP.

Programmable Inflation Timer

Add safety and confidence to tourniquet inflation time. Set the timer appropriate to the exercise or intervention being performed and know the system will automatically deflate when the timer runs out.

Timer Reduction Adjustment in one minute increments
Timer Increase Adjustment in one minute increments
Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) Technology

Taking a limb occlusion pressure measurement is the only way to individualize the application to the patient’s limb. The built-in, patented LOP technology removes human error from the equation.

Limb Occlusion Representation

Graphic representation of the LOP measurement process for added patient confidence.

Default and Custom Protocols
Strength Protocol
Endurance Protocol
Ischemic Pre-Conditioning Protocol
Default Settings

Make changes to the default protocols, timer alarm, unit volume, or reset to factory settings.

Cuff Leak Test

Test the integrity of the cuff air bladder and unit pressure system.

Detailed Features


Choose from 6 pre-programmed protocols based on current best evidence for strength, endurance, or Ischemic PreConditioning (IPC) or build your own custom protocols.
Default and Custom Protocols
Strength Protocol
Endurance Protocol
Ischemic Pre-Conditioning Protocol


A programmable timer for the cuff to automatically deflate. It can be manipulated specifically for the exercise being used
Programmable Inflation Timer
Add safety and confidence to tourniquet inflation time. Set the timer appropriate to the exercise or intervention being performed and know the system will automatically deflate when the timer runs out.
Timer Reduction Adjustment in one minute increments
Timer Increase Adjustment in one minute increments


Taking a limb occlusion pressure measurement to individualize the application to the patient’s limb. Everyone's pressure is going to be different based on race, gender, limb circumference, blood pressure, and the type of device being used.
Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) Technology
Taking a limb occlusion pressure measurement is the only way to individualize the application to the patient’s limb. The built-in, patented LOP technology removes human error from the equation.
Limb Occlusion Representation
Graphic representation of the LOP measurement process for added patient confidence.


The Delfi PTS will monitor and adjust to changes in pressure throughout the application.
Pressure Adjustment
Rapid pressure adjustment to minimize pressure gradients and blood pressure responses
Reduce pressure in one mmHg increments. The display will show the new target percentage of LOP.
Pressure Reduction
Pressure Increase
Increase pressure in one mmHg increments. The display will show the new target percentage of LOP.


Change the programmable default settings or access the pressure application data for the treatment recently provided.
Session Statistics
Access pressure and tourniquet time reporting on up to your last 5 participants.
Programmable Protocols
Make adjustments to the default protocol settings or make your own settings in the provided custom tabs.
Cuff Leak Test
Test the integrity of the cuff air bladder and unit pressure system.
Default Settings
Make changes to the default protocols, reperfusion timer, unit volume, or reset to factory settings.

ORS PBFR Online training available with purchase

The PTS Personalized Tourniquet System for BFR is an FDA, TGA, and Health Canada listed medical device with advanced personalization and safety features developed specifically for Personalized BFR applications (PBFR). It is available for purchase and use in the United States, Canada, EU (EEA), Australia, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and only by qualified health care professionals who have been trained in the application of PBFR by our education partner Owens Recovery Science (ORS).

ORS is the world leader in clinical education and consulting for PBFR, and has an extensive network of PBFR researchers and practitioners, as well as the latest information on best practices when applying PBFR.


ORS PBFR Webinar Access

Sign up with name and email and get access to PBFR Webinar with Johnny Owens of Owens Recovery Science

Dwight Howard and his medical team on successful training with Personalized BFR
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Advanced tourniquet solutions for the best in personalized care.


106-1099 West 8th Ave
Vancouver, BC  V6H 1C3 Canada

1 (800) 933-3022 Toll Free in North America
+1 (604) 742-0600 Tel
+1 (604) 742-3800 Fax

2021 Delfi Medical Innovations Inc.

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